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Xin Li

Li Xin is  professor of economics at the Department of Statistics, Beijing Normal University, research fellow in National School of Development, Peking University and consultant of the Department of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Finance.

Li’s research focuses on production value-added chain and economic integration. The published papers of Dr. Li are as followings:

1Li Xin, “A General Equilibrium Analysis of the TPP Free Trade Agreement with and without China”, Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research 20142):115-136

2Li Xin, Yang Yao, “The Asia-Pacific Integration will be Bright under a Broader Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”China Economic Journal2014 Vol.7, No.2: 221-236. 

3Li Xin, “Effect of China’s Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in the Next Decade: A Recursive Dynamic CGE Analysis”, China Economic Journal, 2014 (10).

4Li Xin, Xu Dianqing, “Re-estimation of China’s Degree of Trade Dependence and External Imbalance: Value-added Statistics n the Global Production Chain”, Social Sciences in China, 201334(4):58-84.

5Li XinXu Dianqing, “Clarification of Misled Statistic Data: Overestimated Per-Capita Housing Area”, China Economic JournalVol.6, issue:2-3, pp.134-151.

6Dianqing Xu, Xin Li,2012,“is The RMB the heart of the problem with global trade imbalance?” Journal of China and Global Economics, Applied Economics Research from China. http://journals.sfu.ca/sinomics/index.php/journal/index.

7Li Xin, Xu Dianqing, 2011, “Quantifying the Impact of RMB Appreciation by CGE Model”, China and World EconomyVol.19, No.2, pp.19-39.

8Li Xin, Xu Dianqing“Make full use of two kinds of resources and two markets to protect our food security and raise farmers’ income”, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, Jun.2010,402-411;

9Li Xin, Christer Ljungwall & Xu Dianqing, “Is it demographic dividend or trap for India and China”, China Economist, Nov.2010, pp64-74.

10Zhi Wang, Marinos E.Tsigas, Xin Li, etc. “A Time Series Database for Global Trade, Production and Consumption Linkage”, the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Bangkok, Thailand (ID#3089), 2010.Jun.9-11.

11Xu Dianqing, Xin Li, <Income Disparity in China: Crisis with Economic Miracle>, World Scientific2014

12Li Xin, Dianqing Xu, From Trade Surplus to the Dispute over the Exchange Rate: Quantitative Analysis of RMB Appreciation, 2016, World Scientific, Singapore.